
Basic Course

Sketchup is a 3D modeling program that can be used to create 3D objects in a 2D environment. Whether you plan to model for 3D printing or for other purposes, Sketchup offers all the tools needed to produce professional and quality results even for a beginner.

Sketchup is a 3D modeling program that can be used to create 3D objects in a 2D environment. Whether you plan to model for 3D printing or for other purposes, Sketchup offers all the tools needed to produce professional and quality results even for a beginner.


Basic Course

Basic Course

Sketchup is a 3D modeling program that can be used to create 3D objects in a 2D environment. Whether you plan to model for 3D printing or for other purposes, Sketchup offers all the tools needed to produce professional and quality results even for a beginner.

Sketchup is a 3D modeling program that can be used to create 3D objects in a 2D environment. Whether you plan to model for 3D printing or for other purposes, Sketchup offers all the tools needed to produce professional and quality results even for a beginner.

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Learn Sketch Up


Sketch up is a strong 3D demonstrating device with vigorous usefulness that permits originators to investigate and impart ventures; import and commodity different document designs, and make intelligent introductions. It is a broadly involved programming on the planet, specifically by planners, exterior decorators yet in addition for the introduction of occasions, the plan of 3D articles. Lines and faces make up the components of Sketch Up models. A non-parametric 3D demonstrating programming. In Sketch Up, you are not restricted to making walls, pieces, rooftops … You draw edges which, when they contact at the finishes in a shut diagram and when they are situated in a similar plane, make consequently one side.

Course Content

  • Dynamics and effects.
  • Universal Scene Description (USD) workflows.
  • 3D animation.
  • 3D modeling.
  • 3D rendering and shading.
  • Motion graphics

Who is this program for?

Learn all of the skills you need to design your own graphics from start to finish. By taking this complete beginner’s course, you’ll feel confident and comfortable using Sketch Up…

Career Opportunity

  • You will become comfortable using Sketch up to model, texture, rig, animate, dynamics, light, and render.
  • Build and design your own 3D objects.
  • Animate your 3D objects with key frames

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